Whale Mindset

(Code Whale)



If you base them on their size alone, it’s easy to assume that whales are not very bright creatures, when in fact they are highly intelligent. They are capable of learning, teaching, cooperating, scheming and grieving. Similarly, many who judge the Whale Mindset by her size alone assume her to be desperate, when in fact the opposite is true. These Mindsets are very intelligent, strong-minded and dignified.

Little was understood about whales throughout most of human history as little of their lives could be seen from the surface of the ocean. Similarly, the Whale Mindset tends to be misunderstood. But once given the chance she shines in every situation placed before her.

Many cultures hold whales in awe and include them in their mythology. Likewise, the Whale Mindset makes an indelible impression in her friendships and relationships. Her strength and powerful perspective draws people from all walks of life to her.




Whale is the ninth Mindset on the Syncurrian chart and the first Mindset to comprise the powerful quadrant of “energy”. These Mindsets have a very good connection to their 5th house of Scorn, which enforces powerful principles and codes of conduct designed to keep them true to their journeys in life. This dark house also connects them to intuitive ancestral energy “voices from other realms”, which helps to guide and warn them when negative energy attempts to gain a foothold in their lives. This very good connection to this powerfully dark house is what makes these Whales so confident, dignified and resourceful. This is also why they are able to command so much respect.

On the other side of the realm is the 1st house of Love and 2nd house of Hope; two very loving and nurturing houses. these sister houses manage the female Mindset’s loves, hopes, faith, prayers, dreams and inspiration. Whales only have a decent connection to these emotionally charged houses. This does not mean they can’t surrender to love. They definitely can. This simply means they won’t surrender to love at the drop of a hat the way some female Mindsets can. The only way these Mindsets will surrender to love is if it’s genuine and not fake. Whales know the difference.

Once these female Mindsets do transition into their houses of Love and Hope (two acquiescent houses) they are as loving, trusting and supportive towards their mate as any female Mindset. However, similar to other female Mindsets that comprise the quadrant of “energy”, not even love can compel Whales to surrender their principles or codes of conduct. They will compromise quite a bit in their relationships but they will not abandon their principles or codes of conduct.

Their very good connection to their 5th house of Scorn does allow them to deal with virtually all of the demons that plague their 3rd house of Fear surprisingly well. The 3rd house of Fear retains all of a female Mindset’s negative life experiences and unfavorable self-assessments (demons). If left unchecked, these demons can wreak havoc throughout the realm. Because of their powerful connection to their 5th house of Scorn, Whales typically don’t require an earthly connection to help quail their demons and maintain harmony. This is not to say that they don’t want a mate. Virtually all female Mindsets do. Whales just doesn’t need one to maintain emotional harmony. This powerful connection is also more than enough to offer protection to her SA moon (4th house), which governs everything sexual.



Whale’s primary demon is Obesity. The Obesity demon manifests when the Mindset’s weight/size is used to make her feel unattractive, unwanted and self-conscious. In most instances, this demon manifests when Whale is a child or teenager. But it can also . . .

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