Firefly Mindset

(Code Firefly)



Fireflies use a flashing light or steady glow to communicate with potential mates during courtship. Similarly, the Firefly Mindset is masterful at utilizing her sexual allure (SA Moon or 4th house) to attract the opposite sex.

Fireflies can be found on virtually every continent and in the most temperate climates. Likewise, the Firefly Mindset is very adaptable and can fit into virtually any crowd, social gathering or situation.

Some female fireflies mimic the mating flashes of other species of fireflies in order to hunt the males of that species. Target males are attracted to what appears to be a suitable mate and then are eaten. Similarly, the Firefly Mindset is capable of targeting successful male Mindsets and pretending to be genuinely interested in order to benefit from their fame, status or wealth.




Fireflies are the eighth Mindset on the Syncurrian chart and the fourth Mindset to comprise the quadrant of “balance”. These Mindsets have decent connections to their 1st house of Love and 2nd house of Hope, both of which resonate powerful nurturing and surrendering energy. Fireflies also have a good connection to their 5th house of Scorn. Dark energy resonating from this misunderstood 5th house reinforces powerful principles and codes of conduct designed to keep these Fireflies true to their paths (and agendas) in life. This dark 5th house also connects them to powerful ancestral energy “voices from other realms” that guides and warns them when rival forces get to close.

Because these Fireflies exists so close to the neighboring quadrant of “energy”, they receive additional mental strength that other female Mindsets in the quadrant don’t enjoy. This additional mental strength surrounds their minds like Magneto’s helmet (from X-Men), blocking out other people’s feelings and criticisms. This doesn’t mean that they can’t take advice. But at the end of the day, they alone controls their journey and is unmoved by what others think about their actions.

The fact that Fireflies receive similar levels of energy from each of these three houses explain their balance. However, their 5th house of Scorn is their governing house. This powerfully dark house is what makes these Fireflies so strong-willed, adaptable and calculating. Their 5th house also gives them more than enough mental strength to protect their SA moon (4th house), which governs their Sexual Allure, Sexual Activity and Sexual Awareness. This powerful mental strength also allows them to deal with most of the demons that plague their 3rd house of Fear. The 3rd house of Fear collects and stores negative life memories and unfavorable self-assessments (demons). If left unchecked, these demons can literally haunt the female Mindset and destabilize the realm.

Because of their powerful mental strength, Fireflies don’t rely so heavily on an earthly connection (a mate) to quail any subconscious demons and maintain mental harmony. This is not to say that they don’t crave a mate. They do. However, their good connection to their 5th house prevents them from being emotionally needy creatures the way some female Mindsets are. In fact, similar to the Fox Mindset, Fireflies can date or marry to improve upon their socioeconomic status as easily as they can for true love. It just depends on whether the guy has connected with the side of them that craves true love or the side that prefers to hunt. Only Firefly knows the answer to that mystery.



Firefly’s Primary demon is Color Caste. The Color Caste demon manifests when the Mindset becomes convinced that her complexion (and in some instances, ethnicity) is either a highlight to her positive assessment of herself or the one flaw. The Color Caste demon . . .

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