Lynx Mindset
(Code Lynx)
The Lynx is a member of the Felidae family of cats. This family of cats have been known to raise the young of other animals. Similarly, the Lynx Mindset, despite being unable to birth children of her own, is a nurturer who can apply her nurturing energy to children she did not birth. In fact, of all the female Mindsets, Lynx is most likely to foster or adopt children.
The Lynx is a stealthy cat. They avoid humans and hunt at night, so they are rarely seen. Similarly, the Lynx Mindset is about her business, dedicated to what’s important to her and is rarely seen around any drama.
The Lynx cat can be found in several climates across multiple continents, from the desert plains of Arizona to the Alaskan wilderness. Likewise, the Lynx Mindset loves to travel, both in the country she lives in and around the world.
Lynxes are the fifth Mindset on the Syncurrian chart and the first Mindset to comprise the quadrant of “balance”. These Mindsets have good connections to their 1st house of Love and 2nd house of Hope, which are nurturing and surrendering houses. But they also have a fairly good connection to their 5th house of Scorn. This no-nonsense 5th house of Scorn connects them to intuitive ancestral energy that guides and warns them when negative forces attempt to lure them off their path. Scorn also enforces powerful principles and codes of conduct designed to keep these Lynxes true to their paths in life. This includes key motherly principles and codes of conduct, designed to keep them and any children they may adopt or foster, true to their paths.
The fact that they receive similar amounts of energy from both sides of the realm is what makes them relatively balanced creatures.
Lynxes have a decent connection to their 5th house of Scorn, but their governing houses are still Love and Hope (two acquiescent houses). This means that when they transition into their house of Love for their mate they will surrender many secondary principles and codes of conduct to appease him. However, because of their fairly good connection to their 5th house of Scorn, and their guardian spirit, Radiance, they will not sacrifice core principles and codes of conduct to appease a man.
Lynxes decent connection to their 5th house of Scorn along with their guardian, Radiance, also combine to offer them decent protection to their SA moon (4th house), which is the light of the realm and epicenter of their Sexual Awareness, Sexual Activity and Sexual Allure. However, their fairly good connection to their 5th house of Scorn is not enough to quail all of the demons that plague their 3rd house of Fear, which collects any negative life and relationship experiences along with any negative assessments they may have of themselves. Therefore, they do tend to rely on a powerful earthly connection—usually a mate—to help them deal with these demons and maintain balance.
While these Lynxes are more attracted to the darker energy that resonates from the more dominant male Mindsets, they will not surrender key principles and codes of conduct to be with one.
Lynx’s primary demon is the Barren demon. The Barren demon manifests when the Mindset realizes (or begins to believe) that she is “unable” to conceive children. It is important to point out here that being aware of this does not necessitate a doctor confirming it . . .