Fox Mindset

(Code Fox)



Fox hunting has been prevalent in many countries for centuries. One of the main reasons is the value of their beautiful fur coats. Similarly, the Fox Mindset is one of the more attractive and sexually charged female Mindsets on the Syncurrian chart. Many men are willing to do virtually anything to have a Fox Mindset as their own.

There are many records of domesticated foxes, but rarely of sustained domestication. Similarly, the Fox Mindset, despite embracing the concept of marriage, is perhaps least suited for it.

The fox appears in the folklore of numerous cultures, often as a symbol of cunning and trickery. In other cultures, the fox is depicted as a mystical creature that can bring wonder or ruin. Likewise, the Fox Mindset, as beautiful and loving as she is, has a dark side. While this dark side rarely manifests, when it does it can cause ruin to those who brought it out.




Foxes are the sixth Mindset on the Syncurrian chart and the second Mindset to comprise the quadrant of “balance”. Foxes have good connections to their 1st house of Love and 2nd house of Hope, which are nurturing and surrendering houses. But they also have a pretty good connection to their 5th house of Scorn, which connects them to dark and indifferent cosmic principles and codes of conduct designed to keep them true to their paths in life and intuitive ancestral wisdom “voices from other realms” which guide and warns them should negative energy attempt to gain a foothold in their lives. Similar amounts of energy resonating from all three houses creates the balance in these Foxes.

When balance is maintained, which is usually the case, their governing houses are Love and hope (two acquiescent houses). In this state of mind, these Mindsets are very loving, nurturing and willing creatures. However, when balance is disturbed (which usually happens when there’s a threat to their needs being met), as can be imagined, they become concerned and angry. This negative energy draws additional dark energy from their 5th house of Scorn, making it their governing house. When this happens, these Foxes personality and outlook changes, turning many into cold, calculating hunters who are out to restore balance by any means necessary. It’s worth mentioning here that typically, the attention, lifestyle or good sex that Foxes crave is in abundance. It’s only when their needs aren’t being met or are being threatened that their 5th house of Scorn takes over, becoming their governing house. Once the threat is gone and the concern and anger goes away, dark 5th house energy returns to normal levels and their houses of Love and Hope return to being their governing houses.

It’s worth noting that some Foxes have an active connection to their dark side. This means that it’s not hiding in remission waiting for a threat to trigger it. Usually, a childhood occurrence that threatened their ego made this side of them permanent, such as the boy they had a crush on choosing a rival female instead of them or losing an important competition. This dark side can also manifest when they reach adulthood. Age, weight gain or socioeconomic issues can threaten their ego and bring this dark side out permanently. Whatever the reason, this type of Fox is cunning full time. They also enjoy taking risks and living life more in the fast lane.

Their good connection to their house of Scorn offers decent protection to their SA moon (4th house) as well. The SA moon (4th house) is the light of the realm and governor of all things sexual. They also receive additional protection for their SA moon by way of their guardian spirit, Vanity. However, as will be explained later, their are certain requirements that must be met before Vanity is allowed to provide this additional protection.

As is the case with virtually all female Mindsets, most Foxes do have secondary demons that plague their 3rd house of Fear. Demons are bad life experiences and negative self-assessments that, if left unresolved, can begin haunting the female Mindset subconsciously. The 3rd house of Fear collects and stores these demons.



Foxes can exhibit multiple personalities, depending a lot on whether their dark side is active or dormant. If their dark side is dormant, then they will likely either be more of an aristocrat who craves wealth and status or a homemaker who simply wants to be a wife and mother . . .

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