Once you learn a man's Mindset, you no longer have to wonder what his true feelings are on love, women, relationships, monogamy and much, much more! These primal secrets are revealed to you! Simply answer a few questions and prepare to be amazed!

    Question 1: How much education does he have?

    A High School drop out, no G.E.D
    B High School diploma or G.E.D but no college
    C Some college but dropped out before getting a degree
    D Up to a Bachelor's degree
    E Beyond a Bachelor's degree
    F Certificate or license in a trade

    Question 2: How old is he?

    A Under 18
    B 18 to 29
    C 30 to 39
    D 40 to 49
    E 50 or older

    Question 3: What race is he?

    A African American/Black
    B White/ Caucasian
    C Hispanic/Latino
    D Asian
    E Other

    Question 4: Roughly how tall is he?

    A 5'7 or shorter
    B 5'8 to 5'11
    C 6'0 or taller

    Question 5: Describe his body type

    A Average
    B Athletic/muscular
    C Thin/skinny
    D A few extra pounds
    E Over weight/obese

    Question 6: He would describe himself to be more...

    A Christian
    B Spiritual
    C Athiest
    D Satanist
    E Muslim

    Question 7: What does he like to talk about the most?

    A Career/education
    B Sports/the outdoors
    C Religion/faith
    D The streets/illegal activities
    E Science, technology or fantasy

    Question 8: What's his opinion of police officers?

    A He has love and respect for police officers. There can never be too many of them
    B They're necessary to fight crime and maintain peace and order
    C He has respect for what they do but believes they're abusing their authority way too much
    D Does not like police officers

    Question 9: Does he or has he ever sold drugs?

    A Yes
    B No and doesn't want to be around anyone who does. Thinks they should all be in jail
    C He's never sold drugs but has friends/family who does and doesn't have a problem with it
    D Never sold drugs but sympathizes with people who have to sell drugs to make ends meet. Finds it sad more so than anything else

    Question 10: How does he feel about pimps and street hustlers?

    A Has great respect for them. Would like to (or has been) one
    B Thinks their lowlifes and should be in jail
    C Does not respect what they do
    D Has respect for them but wouldn't want to be one

    Question 11: How often does he go to church?

    A Almost every Sunday
    B Occasionally/not too often
    C Does not go to church
    D Not a Christian/ does not believe in Jesus Christ
    E Loves the Lord but career or other factors prevent him from going to church

    Question 12: Describe his status among his friends

    A He's the leader/mastermind. They all look up to and follow him
    B There is no hierarchy. They're all on the same basic level
    C One, maybe two friends clearly tell him what to do

    Question 13: How much is he into fighting?

    A Likes to fight/bully
    B Doesn't look for a fight but is quick to start one if disrespected
    C Talks tough but backs off if the other guy is game
    D Will fight only if he is cornered
    E Will call the cops before he will fight

    Question 14: How would you describe his ability to compromise?

    A Very dominant man. Not afraid to tell you no and doesn't care if you get upset
    B Will compromise only if it does not go against his principles or what he believes in
    C Will let you have your way if you are persistent
    D Would rather do what you ask than piss you off

    Question 15: How much is he into comedy?

    A Loves it! Likes to emulate comics and recite their routines
    B Likes it. May crack a few jokes here and there but doesn't emulate comics a lot
    C It's okay
    D Not into comedy

    Question 16: How opinionated is he?

    A Very opinionated! Has made a career or become a controversial figure expressing his opinion in film, music, television or religion
    B Very opinionated. But does not express his opinion publically or as a career
    C Somewhat opinionated
    D Not very opinionated

    Question 17: What political party does he endorse?

    A Republican
    B Democratic
    C Independent
    D Other
    E Not into politics

    Question 18: What does he enjoy doing the most?

    A Watching or playing his favorite sport or outdoor activity
    B Hanging out in the streets
    C Being at church or church related activities (but he isn't a minister)
    D Reading about, using or developing technology
    E Having sex with women
    F Fighting or bullying
    G Studying and doing homework
    H Spending time with family, wife and career

    Question 19: Which statement best describes his life?

    A was once a street hustler but is now a successful businessman or religious figure
    B Works hard, studies even harder, is earning his degree (or already has it) and is successful in a career field that he loves
    C Never got into a lot of trouble but is by no means perfect. His job pays the bills but is not what he really wants to do
    D He's a good man but he refuses to take any mess from anyone. Has been to jail/prison before
    E Did okay in school but prefers working outdoors (or alone). Developed a skill or trade and is now earning good money
    F Not too interested in school but loves sports or music. Aspiring to be a professional athlete or music artist

    Question 20: Does he or has he ever done hard drugs, such as meth, crack, heroin or opioids?

    A Yes
    B No
    C Not sure

    Question 21: When he watches a serious or dramatic movie or TV show does he...

    A Watch quietly, as if very engaged
    B Attempt to figure out the plot or what's going to happen next
    C Crack jokes and make fun of the serious scenes
    D Not sure

    Question 22: What is his personality like in the bedroom?

    A Very Dominant. Needs to be in control and is very strict about what he will and will not do sexually
    B Somewhat dominant. Prefers being in charge but will occasionally let his woman be in charge also
    C Prefers for his woman to be in charge in the bedroom. Very little that he won't do to please his woman
    D Not really into sex. More into talking, watching or other non-sexual activities with his partner

    Question 23: What answer best explains the role religion play in his life?

    A Religion/spirituality is a way to gain a greater understanding of God's (or the universe's) purpose for him here on earth. He applies it by being a devout follower of his beliefs and its leaders
    B He has respect for religion but has too many things going on in his life to become a follower, such as children, career, finances (and perhaps the streets). Doesn't really apply religion to his life
    C His faith is strong but religion is also his way to acquire money and recognition. Was a street hustler years ago but now is a leader in his faith and making money from it
    D Religion is his way of gaining greater insight into the history and oppression of his people. He uses religion to learn more about his ancestry and how to deal with those who have oppressed people like him
    E Religion as a whole is a bunch of BS. Whatever effort he puts into it is mostly research that exposes its flaws and lies
    F He's not a devout follower of any specific religion but does his own research on darker religious/spiritual viewpoints and uses this information to justify his agendas and need to control others