Famous Level 5s


Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. (born Michael King Jr.; January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American Christian minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the Civil Rights Movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. King is best known for advancing civil rights through nonviolence and civil disobedience, inspired by his Christian beliefs and the nonviolent activism of Mahatma Gandhi. King led the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott and later became the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). As president of the SCLC, he then led an unsuccessful 1962 struggle against segregation in Albany, Georgia, and helped organize the nonviolent 1963 protests in Birmingham, Alabama. On October 14, 1964, King won the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolent resistance. In 1965, he helped organize the Selma to Montgomery marches. In his final years, he expanded his focus to include opposition towards poverty and the Vietnam War.


The Buddha

The Buddha was a philosopher, mendicant, meditator, spiritual teacher, and religious leader who lived in ancient India (c. 5th to 4th century BCE). He is revered as the founder of the world religion of Buddhism. He taught for around 45 years and built a large following, both monastic and lay. His teaching is based on his insight into duḥkha (typically translated as “suffering”) and the end of dukkha – the state called Nibbāna or Nirvana. The Buddha was born into an aristocratic family, in the Shakya clan. He renounced lay life. According to Buddhist tradition, after several years of mendicancy, meditation, and asceticism, he awakened to understand the mechanism which keeps us trapped in the cycle of rebirth. After a couple of centuries he came thus to be known by the title Buddha, which means “Awakened One” or the “Enlightened One”.

Level 5

Ancient description: Knows and knows that he knows

View of Women: Precious beings to enlighten

Strength of conversation on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being superb: 10

Principles: Iron clad. Will die to maintain them

Brain Function: Excellent

Mind Energy: Excellent

Percent of male population: Less than 1%


Level 5 Mindsets are governed by the third and final primal realm, which is the realm of Enlightenment. This divine realm is quite literally the realm of the Gods, receiving its energy from the constellation Orion. Male Mindsets completely governed by this mysterious and ancient realm are bestowed ultimate wisdom and a powerful spirit of discernment, which allows them to speak for the Gods here on earth. By conquering this third and final realm, these rarest of rare male Mindsets have reached the highest level of understanding that a male being can achieve here on earth.

What drives a Level 5 is maintaining a constant connection to the divine communications of the stars and using this wisdom to enlighten the masses. This makes a Level 5 wise, humble and a world traveler. However, he can also be distant, stubborn and extremely solitary.


Historically, Level 5s were the original sages and Maji of the ancient world who understood the laws of the universe and explained these laws to those who sought the truth. They were the Pharaohs and priest of the ancient world and their wisdom and teachings inspired biblical texts and religions.


Today’s Level 5 is born to do one thing: lead the people. This can include protesting on their behalf, helping to improve their socioeconomic conditions or being their voice. Although these Mindsets tend to embrace nonviolence as their method for change, this is not always the case. However, what all Level 5s have in common is the ability to bypass wealth, prosperity and modern society in order to stay true to their calling.

In some cultures, this can lead to a mendicant lifestyle. Level 5s are so rare that there may only be a dozen or so existing on the earth at any given point in time. Although some Level 5s can gain global recognition for their life work, most are not recognized outside of their country, city or village. This is because these Mindsets don’t do what they do to gain notoriety. They do what they do because it is their calling.


A Level 5 has the utmost respect for women. He does not view women as sexual objects or look down on them. Instead, he sees them as powerful, independent beings that can lead as well as serve.

Unlike some male Mindsets who can hold negative aspects of a woman’s past against her, a Level 5 is not that way. This male Mindset is not judgmental and will enlighten women of all walks of life regardless of their past. It’s the opinion of all Level 5s that all women should be cherished, honored and protected.


This Mindset’s conversation incorporates wisdom, compassion and sound principles. His powerful spirit of discernment exposes fears, doubt and pain that was begging to come out and replaces it with sound spiritual philosophy. This Mindset asks a lot of questions leaving a woman feeling interrogated but in a good way.

This is because this Mindset sees beyond the facades of what women look like, do or say and into a dark inner world where they are all the same; powerful beings who may be unaware of their full potential. A Level 5’s conversation offers guidance while inspiring hope, confidence and courage.


This male Mindset will only follow the laws of the universe as the third primal realm of Enlightenment divinely communicates them to him. He will not embrace any concepts that contradict these divine communications. Nor will he embrace any concepts that hinder his mission here on earth to enlighten and liberate the masses.

Therefore, a Level 5 may have a problem with some authoritative concepts, such as governments, militaries, judicial systems or the police officer. However, Level 5s do embrace the vast majority of positive concepts that most people embrace, such as love, hope, family, community and equality. A Level 5 can be quite the rebel but he is not an antisocial.


The third primal the realm of Enlightenment provides all male Mindsets connected to the realm with an insatiable appetite for knowledge and information in order to lead others on an enlightened path and stay true to the realm. Most of this knowledge and information is sent directly to the Mindset via the divine communications of the stars in the form of pure raw perspective and insight that cannot be found in any earthly publications. The ability to receive and discern such raw, concentrated thought requires exceptional brain function (intelligence), which is what a Level 5 has.

The third primal realm of Enlightenment exists in a highly charged area of the universe (which is the mind). In order to receive and decipher such highly charged universal energy (without going insane) requires exceptional mind energy, which is what a Level 5 has as well.


When a Level 5 does evolve on this earth he is typically in his late forties or older and is very stable and mature, which is a good quality for a man to have. If a female wants a man who can see past her body or sex and connect with her mind and soul then a Level 5 is the man for her.

If she wants to grow mentally or acquire a deeper understanding of herself and the world in which she lives then this is an ideal Mindset.


A Level 5 is past the point where sex is relevant. The fact that he can pursue a mendicant lifestyle makes having a relationship impractical. A Level 5 needs to spend a great amount of time away from others—either alone or on a pilgrimage—to stay connected to the realm of Enlightenment and minister its divine wisdom to the masses. This can take its toll on a relationship.


She must be patient, understanding and at peace with herself. She must fully understand and be okay with the sacrifices that come with a relationship with such a powerful and important Mindset. She must also be able to handle long periods of time away from him.


If this Mindset feels as though his people are being oppressed he has the ability (and will likely exercise it) to amass large groups of followers to fight the oppression.

Some Level 5s are quite willing to incorporate armed action, violence and death to combat the perceived oppression. This can be very problematic to rival religious groups, ethnic groups and governments.