Firefly and Level 4: Compatibility and Challenges
A Level 4 is another Male Mindset that matches up better with those Fireflies who are looking to hustle their way to the Top. With these two, you get a powerful combination of intellect, sophistication and street smarts. In fact, these two are a lot alike in many ways. Firefly is by no means a saint, but when she does tip the scale into agendas that the holier than thou frown upon, they’re well thought out, legal (usually) and can potentially set her financially for a long time. Similarly, a Level 4 (especially a street Level 4), is known for pushing the envelope when it comes to morality and what’s legal. But this Mindset is masterful at parlaying the risks he takes into highly successful, legitimate enterprises. However, both Mindsets must live life by their own set of rules even when they’re in a relationship. If they can’t learn to share the paintbrush with each other, then their picture-perfect relationship is destined to fail.
When Firefly was a child, other worlds stood out to her. For some Fireflies, it was the men who dominated these worlds that caught their eye. For other Fireflies, it was the lavish lifestyle that many of these men enjoyed that was their main interest. In both cases, what Firefly noticed to be suspiciously absent were women who looked like her. Dark conclusions that were drawn on why that was became buried in her subconscious. What emerged was a desire to be a part of these fairytale worlds. For many Fireflies, this simply meant settling down with a good man of one of these worlds and starting a family. But for other Fireflies, the goal was to acquire the lifestyle that the rich or famous of them enjoyed, but at their expense.
Firefly isn’t the only female Mindset capable of utilizing what the universe gave her to improve her socioeconomic situation here on earth. But what sets her apart from the others is the sophistication and scale of her endeavors. You won’t find her hatching a plan that, even if successful, will leave her broke in a few months. When her endeavors are successful, they’re usually homeruns that she can benefit from for many years.
Firefly may be a simple puzzle in her own mind, but many struggle to fully understand her. Much credit goes to balanced energy resonating from her houses of Love, Hope and Scorn. On the one hand, she’s very loving and compassionate and a good friend to have. However, Scorn allows her to read the primal strengths and flaws hiding in people that they might not realize they have. She’s also good at reading the vibe of the room. This is why she can remove herself from people and situations for no apparent reason, making her seem stuck up or confused when she’s really just highly intuitive.
Level 4
Of all the male Mindsets, a Level 4 is the most complex. This has a lot to do with his connections to two very powerful realms. The second primal realm of Conquest governs everything primal for a Level 4, such as his courage, quest for dominion and respect and sex drive. But this realm does the same for all dominant males to varying degrees. It’s the third primal realm of Enlightenment that is the gamechanger for a Level 4. This enlightened realm is literally the realm of the Gods. Energy resonating from this supreme realm governs a Level 4s intellect and view. And in doing so, increases the depths of his thinking while expanding the scale of his ambitions. When combined, you get a male Mindset who thinks on a much higher level than other dominant male Mindsets.
A Level 4 tends not to embrace love in the traditional, emotional sense. However, the powerful mental connection he forms with his mate, along with his ability to explain, listen and understand can create a bond far deeper than love alone. However, many Level 4s do learn how to apply the traditional expression of love into their relationships as they get older.
A Level 4s enlightened view and ability to explain himself allows him to structure his relationships way outside the box if he so chooses. This can include not being monogamous and not getting married. It’s worth mentioning here that similar to love, most Level 4s do embrace monogamy more so as they get older. None the less, whatever his thoughts and desires are, they will reflect in his relationships. Needless to say, a Level 4 needs to structure his relationships by his own unique set of rules, which doesn’t always jive with societal norms.
Firefly and Level 4
Firefly and a Level 4 look amazing as a couple. Their collective sophistication, swagger and confidence is infectious in a crowd. However, for them to get to that point, a lot must go right. Initially, these two hit it off. Even though a Level 4 sees the same traits in Firefly that a Level 3 sees, his approach to her is a lot different. He may let her know that he’s on to her should he suspect that she’s a hunter, but in a more sophisticated way. Firefly is able to read a Level 4s energy and strong mind and likely concludes that attempting to hustle him (should she be in that mode) would be more like pulling teeth than taking candy from a baby. Once they recognize each other’s undeniable mental strength a key decision is needed to be made on whether to learn more about each other or seek out an easier catch.
As a couple, Firefly and a Level 4 certainly learn a lot about themselves from each other, since they’re so much alike. If they look at each other as if they’re looking in the mirror, they may grow to understand what it’s like to date themselves. Then maybe they’ll learn how to compromise and possibly break the curse that plagues so many strongminded couples whose relationships don’t last because they can’t share power.
The holier than thou might argue that Firefly and a Level 4 should both burn in hell for their relationship sins. What is true is that Firefly’s influence in her relationships can create a series of events that wind up improving her socioeconomic situation at the expense of her mate. And a Level 4 doesn’t have a problem using his influence over females to establish the lifestyle he desires. But the bottom line is that their powerful minds and clear direction in life were designed to attract those who struggle with various aspects of their journey. If there’s a morality issue behind what they seek in return for their guidance, that will be addressed one day in other realms. But if a relationship is to work between Firefly and a Level 4 here on earth, learning to share the paint brush is a must.
Both Firefly and a Level 4 embrace the concepts of family and parenthood. However, Firefly’s who hunt the rich and famous and most Level 4s aren’t too fond of marriage. Depending on personality, they can also struggle greatly with a traditional, family-orientated relationship. For these reasons, these two don’t do well in this area of a relationship.