Beagle Personality

No female Mindset is better at adjusting to real change than Beagle. Even when this Mindset does everything right and has change thrown in her face when she wasn’t expecting it, she rises above it and keeps on moving. Credit their marriage-minded principles and codes of conduct that continue to guide them post-divorce.

Beagle’s post-divorce journey has been an interesting one. Many Beagles decided to take a break from commitment to focus on self and perhaps let their hair down and enjoy dating. Other Beagles wanted no part of today’s dating scene and were more interested in finding a good man to settle back down with and possibly remarry. Each new path presented a different set of hurdles that they had to adjust to.

Beagle is a great catch and has no problem turning heads. This Mindset is an amazing wife and mother who loves for her home to be clean and organized and for everything to be in its proper place. Beagles are also good with their finances and not squanderers of their money. Although they’re not workaholics per say, their careers can take up a lot of their time. But when free time becomes available, Beagles like to play hard.

Beagles are professional women, degreed and a lover of information and higher learning. They’re educated and accomplished but they don’t like to flaunt their accomplishments. This Mindset achieves greatness quietly. Like the Beagle pup, the Beagle Mindset is intelligent and friendly but also brave and adventurous.

Beagle is a very balanced Mindset. Her good connection to her sister houses of Love and Hope makes her very loving, nurturing and spiritual. But practical energy resonating from her 5th house of Scorn also makes her strong-minded and determined while keeping her bound to core marriage-minded values. The Beagle Mindset realizes that times have changed quite a bit since she first got married and that compromise is key moving forward post-divorce.