In order for a boy to evolve into an enlightened man, he must conquer Three Primal Realms. These three realms exist in the universe and communicate to each male being by way of the mind, which is the universe. The purpose of the Three Realms is to guide all male beings successfully into manhood while insuring that the laws of the universe are maintained on earth by way of them. The realms must be completed in the order described below.
The FIRST primal realm is the realm of the FEAR and is conquered by “SETTING OUT” to acquire the recourses necessary for survival.
The SECOND primal realm is the realm of CONQUEST and is conquered by “ACQUIRING” the recourses necessary for survival.
The THIRD primal realm is the realm of ENLIGHTENMENT and is conquered by “CONNECTING” to the universe (higher power).
When a boy reaches puberty, instructions that are genetically encoded in his DNA are triggered compelling him to assess his needs within his environment as manhood draws near. The most primal necessity is respect. This in part is because once respect is acquired, all of life’s other necessities, such as food shelter and a mate, are far easier to acquire. In order to conquer this first primal realm a male simply has to challenge any fears that he may have of the unknown by setting out to acquire all of the recourses necessary for his survival as a man. Once the journey begins, the first realm is considered conquered, allowing him to advance to the second primal realm.
The most important realm for a male to conquer is the realm of CONQUEST, for it represents the heart of the male mind and is their gateway to a higher consciousness. It is on this chaotic stage that males battle to become men for all of life’s basic necessities. The battles begin within each individual male mind and are fought against the courage, strength and willpower of other males. What is at steak is physical control over the recourses necessary for their survival, such as food, shelter, a mate, but most importantly, respect. Once these most basic primal needs are established, the second primal realm is considered conquered and the males become men.
The third and final primal realm is the realm of ENLIGHTENMENT. Unlike the second primal realm of CONQUEST, physical needs do not force a man to enter into this most sacred of realms. Most men who conquer the second primal realm of CONQUEST are content with the sex, money and respect that come with conquering that realm, and are uninterested in (if not oblivious to) any realm said to be greater than that. Entering into the realm of ENLIGHTENMENT is a choice (although some men are genetically predisposed to do so). This realm is where a man can connect to his own personal doorway to the universe and find out why we are all here, where we go upon death and who or what to thank for our earthly prosperity. Those who collect all of the correct answers and use that information to enlighten others will have conquered this final realm to become Lords of the planet (which is extremely rare). However, all it takes is slivers of correct information to be deemed an enlightened man and to lead a multitude of people.
How far a young male of today will eventually get in the realms is based on battles that were already fought long ago by the first of his male ancestors. Therefore, his outcome today is genetically predisposed or fixed and part of his destiny. So when a young male first begins his journey into manhood, he is genetically predisposed to go only as far as his ancestors did, with very little wiggle room. But the battles must still continue so that each generation of young males born not knowing can discover where they rank naturally.
Unfortunately, the modern world makes knowing where a man ranks not as simple as what appears to be the obvious. Nowadays, a man can possess everything that he needs to survive on this earth and then some, and have powerful influence over multitudes of people, yet still be trapped in the first primal realm of FEAR mentally. By contrast, a man can have very few secular accomplishments under his belt yet still possess a mind that has conquered all three realms, by way of his lineage or bloodline.
So if you judge a man based solely on his education, career or secular accomplishments (or lack there of) it will be virtually impossible to truly understand who he is deep down inside. Ladies, this is why it is so very important to take a free mindset reading to learn what mindset your man is. A free reading will provide you with valuable insight into his hidden outlook on life. This is what determines if a man is loving, abusive, unfaithful, able to understand who you are, incapable of understanding you, the perfect mate or a jerk. Take a free reading now and find out!