Love and Family Compatibility



Level 5

Level 5 image



Lynx and Level 5: Compatibility and Challenges


If Lynx is to completely surrender to love, she must feel balanced energy from her mate in the form of unwavering primal strength and nurturing, love energy. This requires that her mate is physically available. A Level 5 is constantly on the go spreading the truth to the mases. Therefore being available is a real struggle for him.



Lynx is the 5th female Mindset on the Syncurrian chart and the 1st female Mindset in the give and take quadrant of “balance”. Lynx has good connections to her houses of Love and hope and a decent connection to her 5th house of Scorn. Lynx is a very balanced Mindset who has lot’s of nurturing, motherly energy to give.


Level 5

In order to become a Level 5 a male Mindset must accomplish the unimaginable by conquering all three primal realms. Only a handful of men exist on the earth at one time who are able to reach this elusive plateau. The purpose of this monstrous accomplishment is to enlighten the masses to what the universe has revealed to him. This requires a great amount of time out in the world. Therefore, Level 5s tend not to be available to the extent necessary to sustain an intimate relationship.


Lynx and Level 5

The best way for Lynx to connect with a Level 5 in a love and family dynamic is through his teachings and ministry. Not only could his view enlighten her, but also the man in her life and any children she may embrace. His view could also help Lynx better understand the world around her.