Lynx love children despite probably not being able to conceive, but their powerful, nurturing energy must find a home for these felines to have balance. For many Lynxes, adopting or fostering children is the answer. For others, applying their powerful nurturing energy to their nieces and nephews, other family members, their pets or even through their careers is the preferred method.
Methods aside, not wanting or being able to conceive children does not automatically create the Lynx Mindset. It’s far more complicated than that. But when females resonate such powerful nurturing energy, have a primal love for children and either know or suspect that, for whatever reasons, conceiving them isn’t likely going to happen, the Lynx Mindset can manifest. But, at the end of the day, only Lynx knows if she is a Lynx!
The Lynx cat can be found in several climates across multiple continents from the dessert plains of Arizona to the Alaskan wilderness. Similarly, traversing the planet, either for work or pleasure, is in the Lynx Mindset’s blood and is another way for many to spread their powerful nurturing energy. There’s something about soaking up the sights and sounds of mama earth that satisfies the nurturer in them. People might not get it, but they don’t have to!
No female Mindset has more drive and determination than these Lynxes. Add the fact that they’re highly intelligent and very rational thinkers, and it’s no surprise that they can be successful at whatever they do. But their unbridled drive can literally drive them to exhaustion. Haters will argue that they must be running from something. But what’s for certain is that Lynx must learn how to slow down more and smell the roses.
Dominant male Mindsets (Level 3s and Level 4s) with mastery of the principles and codes of conduct of their earthly environments and the ability to read the primal energy of others can pick up on these Lynx’s need to nurture and play on it to their advantage. If the right buttons are pushed, some Lynxes can find themselves applying their powerful, nurturing energy to supporting a grown man without realizing it. But Lynxes are strongminded enough to learn from early dating mistakes and not spend a lifetime taking care of worthless men. With the right, responsible man who takes pride in supporting himself, this nurturing quality can be appreciated and not taken advantage of.